Hotel & Sportcenter 5 Dörfer Zizers

The hosts Wenlian and Markus Gämperli with their motivated team welcome you to the 3 star Hotel Fünf-Dörfer with sports-center and restaurant in Zizers/ Untervaz.

At a central starting point in the middle of the Chur Rhine Valley (Graubünden), we present you a high-quality offer:

Forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life and simply treat yourself to being our guest.


Hotel and Reception Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 08:10 to 21:15

Weekend and Holidays: 08:10 to 16:00

Sport Facilities Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 07:30 to 22.00

Weekend and Holidays: 08:30 to 16:30

Restaurant Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 07:15 to 22:45

Saturday: closed

Sundays and Holidays: 08:00 to 16.00

Warm Meals:

Monday to Friday: 11:45 to 13.30 and 18:00 to 21:15

Sundays: 11:45 to 14:30

It is our incentive to do our best for you! Your rating under HolidayCheck gives us the necessary orientation so that we can improve. We also look forward to positive feedback!

News & Angebote

Die zündende Idee für Ihr Firmenevent!

Liebe Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer Haben Sie schon eine zündende Idee für Ihren Firmen-Kaderevent? Wie wär‘s mit einem Irish Pup-Abend, Outdoor… Weiterlesen

Room Booking

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Table Reservation

Your Table at Our Restaurant

Tennis, Squash, Badminton & Sauna

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